
Yandere Simulator UI and Graphic Designs

UI & Graphic Design


YandereDev is the creator and owner of the Yandere Simulator project. His YouTube channel has over 1.3 Million subscribers and he has become a legend in the indie game world. Bizurk does not currently have an ownership stake in this project.


Designed visual elements for the game’s phone menu system.


Various menu system designs.

Yandere Simulator Cover

Design proposals for the in-game social media “website.”


Design proposals for the in-game inventory system.


Designed health bar UI for YanVania minigame.

Revamping the Phone Menu


The original Yandere Simulator phone menu featured a vertical row of menu items, nothing necessarily unique or revolutionary about it.

Our goal in this project was to re-design the phone menu to look like a modern phone UI, like that of an iPhone app screen. Pink was chosen as the phone menu color as pink was the motif for the colorscheme of the game.

Designed the menu icons and menu layout.


On top of designing the phone menu, the phone model itself was outdated and needed to be redesigned. One of the requests was to generate a purple phone, which was the favorite color of one of the main characters.

This phone design was generated based on several existing Android phone models and we incorporated the matte purple texture to give a distinct look and feel to the device that might make someone want to actually own one in real life.

A rose sticker was added as a symbolism of that character’s personality.

Menu Designs


The game features an in-game social media network where reputation points can be earned or taken away based on player activities.

The creator wanted to integrate a “profile page” that featured all of the characters in-game strengths and weaknesses so that the player can do research on various characters.

We generated several designs for the page utilizing modern and responsive design techniques and visual styles.



There are times when the player needs to switch items. Unfortunately not all the items can be mapped to a specific key, this is especially true for players using a controller.

Especially in times when the player is being chased or needs to make fast moves, a well executed inventory system is crucial.

There were two design proposals made for the inventory system. one which would pause the game and cycle items in a 3D circle around the characters; and the other design was created more as a 2D menu system with regular and key items split on two tracks.

Both menu designs work well for their intended purpose, but it might be a good idea to utilize the 3D circle menu as it is a quick and easy way for player to cycle through various items.

The item count for the game so far is not very large and this menu cycle is manageable, however if the item count was to drastically increase, then it might be wise to utilize the two layered menu design or even an inventory grid.

Yanvania Mini Game


Usually healthbars feature a flat, simplistic design; For Yanvania, the health bars and UI needed to reflect a more “Gothic” look. Skeletons, bat wings, and other design elements were included.

The design of the health bar is a simple glass reflected layer over top of the health indicator layer, and finally the “shell” of the health bar that houses the glass tube.

Other or Unused Designs


This is a currently unused menu design for the game’s main menu. The intention was to create a main menu that was simple, modern and fit with the color theme, all while inviting the player to jump into the gameplay due to the simplicity of the design. 

Below is the original menu design. 


Currently this is an unused emblem design, however we believe it will be put into use after the main programming of the game is complete and the visual overhaul it put into action. 

This is a simplistic, bloody heart design that can be used for poster art, cover art, and other media. 

Working on the designs with YandereDev has been an incredible experience. We hope to continue to provide design work for YandereDev as he pushes the project to completion. Your passion and perseverance has been a huge inspiration for me in my own ventures into the video game world.

– Andrew Taraba